Milk Predict

Milk prices are falling because of adulteration in Maharashtra ?

Distantmers who have been affected by climate change are now facing plummeting prices of agricultural produce. In addition, the main milk business for the farmers is also betrayed and the price of milk directly dropped from 34 rupees per liter to 25 to 26 rupees per liter. While there is a shortage of water and fodder in many areas, the price of milk has fallen and farmers are in a dilemma from everywhere.

What is the reason for the price drop?
Even six months ago, the same prices fell and milk farmers demanded agitation. After that the state government formed a committee of government officials, milk producers and milk producers union members to control the rate of private milk union and fixed the rate at Rs.34. But this rate did not last more than three months.
The reason given for this is that the price of milk powder has fallen in the international market. Distantmers and farmer leaders stated that adulterated milk is actually coming to the market and honest farmers have been affected.

As extra milk is produced due to adulteration, the supply-demand balance is upset. As usual, Dudhsramrat is lowering the prices of international milk powder by claiming that the prices of milk powder have fallen and their stocks have increased.
– Satish DeshmukhB, President, Forum of Scholars

Focusing the attention of farmers on the issue of caste reservation, the private milk union has once again reduced the price of milk in Nagar, Nashik belt of connivance. In areas where there are cooperative milk unions, the price will be better but in areas where there are private milk unions, the price of milk will decrease.
– Ajit NavaleDistantmer Leader, Kisan Sabha

Source : PiPa news

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