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USDA Launches Trade Mission in India and visits Indian Dairy Association

U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor arrived in New Delhi today to launch a USDA-sponsored agribusiness trade mission. Taylor leads a delegation of officials from 47 U.S. agribusiness and farm organizations and 11 state departments of agriculture seeking to develop and expand business opportunities with importers in India.

“As the world’s most-populous country and fifth-largest economy, India is primed for continued growth as a top destination for U.S. food and agriculture products,” Under Secretary Taylor said. “With a growing middle class that’s expected to exceed 660 million by 2030, India presents a strong consumer-oriented market where exports from American agribusinesses and producers can flourish.”

Mr. Jaime A. Castaneda, Executive Vice President, Policy Development & Strategy, US Dairy Export Council under USDA , Ms.Shruti Bhogal, Agricultural Specialist, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, American Embassy in India delegation, visited the Indian Dairy Association’s Head Office at Delhi, on April 22nd,2024 where he was appraised about the achievements of Indian Dairy Industry by Dr. R.S. Sodhi, President, Indian Dairy Association, and Vice Presidents of IDA, Mr. Ajay Kumar Khosla and Mr. Arun Patil. This meting was to explore trade partnrship with Indian in th dairy sector where both th countries have interests. It is to be noted that Indian and USA are at number 1 and number 2 position respectively in global milk production.

Throughout the week, participants representing a diverse array of American food and agricultural products can look forward to reinvigorating existing business relationships and forging new connections with local importers. American and Indian consumers share an appetite for each other’s ingredients and cuisine, accentuating the mutual benefits of two-way trade.

The United States and India enjoy a long history of agricultural trade and this trade mission provides an opportunity to enhance that bilateral relationship. A recent demonstration of this partnership was India’s reduction in tariffs on a variety of U.S. agricultural products, including poultry, vegetables, fruits, pulses and tree nuts.


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